In January Katie Compton won her 14th consecutive US National Cyclocross Championship. A few weeks later, she won a silver medal in an incredibly exciting World Championship duel with 2nd time winner Sanne Cant. 

Days before Nationals, I spoke to Katie for Off The Front podcast. Here's a short outtake from that conversation. We talk health, leg pains, folic acid, why her is body different, going to bed early, time zones, and baking pancakes. 

Katie Compton is one of may all time favorite athletes. I raced with her more than 20 years ago on a road team, just as she started having leg pains. I remember it as a difficult time for her. I remember sitting on a curb long ago talking to her about. Decades later, here we are again. Thanks Katie. And hug congrats to your success and perserverence.