Erika Hood

Erika Hood was born and reared in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a graduate of Cleveland State University and is currently working at the Case Center for Reducing Health Disparities, managing Community Research and Dissemination activities. She has years of experience leading a variety of resident-led initiatives that address public health issues and related disparities. In communities riddled with gun violence, poverty, and poor health outcomes, she is determined to help communities change the narrative and begin to reflect on the greatness that resides within.

With her mother and sister, she co-founded a youth organization, SYATT, which offers relief, exposure, and a chance to be great, to area youth. Originally designed to expose youth to sports and activities where they are underrepresented, 10 years later, SYATT does that and so much more. The organization has changed the lives of so many youth, but most importantly, changed the lives of its founders.

She also is busy raising young men, Evan and Duke. She loves to travel, snowboard, and is a huge advocate for self-care.

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