Episode 42 Iris Slappendel Founder The Cyclists' Alliance

July 19, 2018
A bit of housekeeping.

Hear Her Sports is taking off the month of August, but do not fear, there’s plenty of new inspiring conversations to listen to during that time.

Last week I launched Hear Her Sports Glenville, presented by the Cleveland YWCA for FRONT International. Hear Her Sports Glenville is a neighborhood stories project about the power of sports for girls and women, breaking barriers and reaching goals. Glenville is a Cleveland neighborhood but the stories are not just about Cleveland. For example, I talk to teenagers working towards college scholarships and seniors finding community and better health at a local recreation center.

I’d love it if you follow along on Instagram @hearherglenville where each day will be a new Daily Quote to introduce some of the women & girls participating in the project. There are also photos and some teasers. The 20 minutes episodes are available on iTunes, Spotify, your favorite podcast player, and directly from the website hearhersportsproject.com. Every week through early fall new episodes will be added.

Of course, August is also a great time to catch up on Hear Her Sports episodes that you haven't gotten to yet. I still often think of Shelma Jun in Episode 27 or listen to Megan Jastrab in Episode 18. She has been on fire this season during a spring trip to Europe and at Junior Track Nationals where she won 5 titles and set a  National record.

This week's episode.
Now on to this week’s episode. I am so excited to introduce Iris Slappendel, a founder of The Cyclists’ Alliance, a new women’s cycling union.  There are two parts to the episode because I spoke to her just as the organization launched and then again a couple weeks ago. It’s great to hear her goals and then about successes and what they’ve learned over the past six months. This is such an important organization with very big plans.

As Iris mentions women’s cycling is at a great moment! There’s tons happening to make the sport better. As we speak, 12 women from Team Donnons Des Elles au Velo are riding the entire Tour de France route one day ahead of the professional men’s peloton to promote the idea of a real Tour de France for women. This year, as it was last year, the women's race is one day without even a press conference for the winner. Onward!

Iris is a designer by trade and she makes cycling jerseys. As you will hear in the episode, much of her work for The Cyclists' Union is volunteer, so support her in other ways like buying a jersey. She recommends this one. "Like the other designs in the 2018 collection, I got the inspiration from my trip to Japan. In this particular case from 'Kumiko-Zaiku', I personally find these sliding doors and room dividers very fascinating. I love the geometrical lines and shapes and the very precise craftsmanship."

The Cyclists' Alliance
Iris Slappendel
Professional Cycling Council
David Lappartient, president Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)
Iris Kumiko Women’s Jersey
Oprah Golden Globe speech, 2018
Serena Williams fashion
All employees of UCI Women’s Teams will be required to sign a strict Code of Conduct starting in 2019
Contact The Cyclists' Alliance info@cyclistsalliance.org
Hear more from Helen Wyman, cyclocross racer on Off The Front, women's cycling podcast